For The Sake of Dog!

Giving you more than just human-grade, sustainably-sourced, artisanal freshly baked dog treats...

When a box of FTSOD treats are purchased, a portion of each box is set aside for our circular business nonprofit initiative. We help nonprofits gain revenue by getting direct commissions for any FTSOD! products they help sell. If no charities claim the allocated dollars we choose to donate them to a rotating selection of our charity partners.


How FTSOD! Gives Back ... Enabling Nonprofits for Self-Sufficient Support

Giving you more than just human-grade freshly baked dog treats from US makers and bakers...

When a box of FTSOD treats are purchased, a portion of each box is set aside for our circular program we created for nonprofits. We help charities gain revenue by getting direct commissions for any FTSOD! products they help sell or refer. If no charities claim the allocated amount each year, then we choose how best to maximize the dollars to donate and choose from a rotating selection of our charity partners to receive the proceeds in the form of dollars, marketing resources or product. We want to help nonprofits support themselves and no longer rely on a revolving door of donations alone.